пятница, 17 апреля 2009 г.

5 Scary Signs You have Leaky Gut and 11 Cheap Secrets to Treat it – Saturday Strategy

5 Scary Signs You have Leaky Gut and 11 Cheap Secrets to Treat it – Saturday Strategy
gut, leaky gut

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Hi, my friend.

When it comes to our health, there is so much to know! There is a very important component, which is often overlooked that I want to talk to you about today.

When it comes to creating balance and optimal well-being, we can’t have either if our gut is compromised or “leaky.” That is why I place such a big emphasis on ensuring this important system is functioning as best it can so that YOU can begin to feel your best and radiate true health from the inside out.

At Fitlife, we are committed to doing our part to provide you with tools to assist you on your journey, which makes the news I have to share with you in the coming weeks really exciting! What we will be providing is what we’ve found to be the #1 solution to creating balance and true health, making your transformation journey that much sweeter and your health, that much better!

So stay tuned and know that I’ve got your back. What we have in store has the potential to literally change your entire gut microbiome, thus creating a healthier environment for your entire existence.

In the meantime, enjoy this juicy content and be on the lookout for the big news, coming soon!

We live in a toxic environment. Heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals and EMFs bombard our lives on a daily basis. We are all doing our best to protect our families from these dangers, but in reality, there are some things we simply can’t control.

What we can control is how we treat our bodies – and the fuel we put into them. In the end, this has more power over our health than almost any toxin or influence in our environment.

Start With Your Gut!

According to Hippocrates, “All disease begins in the gut.” Healing our gut is one of the first and most important steps to regaining health and vitality. Probiotic rich foods help replenish the good bacteria we need to line our digestive tract.

Fact: Roughly 70% of our immune cells are housed in the digestive system. This means that a strong digestive system = strong immune system.

Fact: There are more bacteria in your digestive system than there are cells in your body.

Fact: The bacteria in your gut weighs around 4 lbs.

Fact: Roughly 85% of your serotonin (the “feel good” or “happy” hormone) is stored in your gut. Happy gut = happy YOU!

Almost all cultures include fermented foods in their diet. Fermented foods provide probiotics (beneficial bacteria), vitamins and enzymes that help keep your digestive system healthy and free of illness and disease. Overuse of antibiotics, antibacterials and a lack of raw food in the diet literally strips your digestive system of these vital microorganisms and nutrients. Eating fermented food helps to replenish the good bacteria.

Fact: Having a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria is crucial – it’s all about creating balance.

Our body is built to heal itself, we just need to know how to listen and honor it’s signals!

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Why Probiotics?

I cannot emphasize enough how important your gut health is to your overall well-being. And one of the very best things you can do for your gut is consistently supply it with foods rich in probiotics.

Dr. Mercola states, in this article about probiotics:

“Your body contains about 100 trillion bacteria — more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body. It’s now quite clear that the type and quantity of microorganisms in your gut interact with your body in ways that can either prevent or encourage the development of many diseases.”

Green Med has gathered a list of over 200 studies that point to the amazing abilities of probiotics and how they can help hundreds of diseases and ailments. Here is just a short list of what they can do for you.

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Digestive Health

If your gut is lacking in good bacteria and other microorganisms, it cannot digest nutrients efficiently, no matter how much healthy food you eat. If you want to absorb as many nutrients as possible, then you need plentiful good bacteria in your gut. Probiotics are also vital to keeping an abundance of bad microorganisms out of your system, thus keeping your body healthy and happy.

Everything that enters your gut is filtered through the good bacteria and is either sent to the eliminatory system, or pumped to every cell in your body. Make sure your cells are only getting the good stuff by filling your life with good foods and lots of probiotics.

Symbiosis means “to live in harmony,” while dysbiosis refers to an imbalance of the microbial colonies in the body. In a healthy digestive system, the various bacteria strains keep each other in check in order to remain balanced and healthy. Imbalance occurs when these “checks” are unable to happen effectively and one strain dominates over another, compromising the system as a whole and making it harder for the good bacteria to do its job.

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Symptoms of dysbiosis in the body include:

– Acne

– Food allergies

– Food sensitivity

– Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

– Leaky Gut Syndrome

– Chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia

– Mental fogginess

– Learning and behavioral disorders

– Depression

– Lactose Intolerance

– Skin issues, like: Eczema, Psoriasis, Rashes

– Autoimmune Diseases (lupus, MS, arthritis, etc.)

The best thing to do when suffering from dysbiosis is to overhaul your diet. Eliminate or limit starch and sugar intake, particularly artificial and white sugar. Begin incorporating probiotics by eating the foods listed below and/or taking a probiotic supplement daily with at least 10 different probiotic strains and at least 10 billion CFU’s (colony forming units) per capsule.

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how gut bacteria affects the brain and the body

Antibiotic Recovery

Antibiotics have helped countless people overcome painful illnesses and infections, nobody is arguing that. However, antibiotics are extremely hard on your digestive system, as they not only target the bad bacteria, but the good as well. Replenishing your system during and after antibiotic treatment is so important for your gut and your overall well-being. If you have taken antibiotics recently or are taking them now, start using a good probiotic! It won’t interfere with the medication – it will only enhance your body’s ability to defeat infection by boosting your healthy gut flora, thus boosting your immune system.

TIP: While using an antibiotic, you’ll want to double your dose for the duration of the RX and for the same amount of time after you’ve completed your treatment. So for example, if you take an RX for 14 days, double your dose for 28 days total and then go back to your regular dose.

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Mental Health

Have you ever heard the gut referred to as our “second brain?” Some people call it this because it houses the 500 millions neurons that make up our enteric nervous system. The ENS creates 50% of all dopamine in the body and 95% of our serotonin! These hormones play major roles in making us feel happy and fulfilled. It makes sense that an unhealthy gut may disrupt the proper production of these fundamental hormones.

Imagine the happiest day of your life… What did it look like? Who were you with? What were you doing?

NOW IMAGINE only getting 5% of that happiness because your gut is a mess, effecting your serotonin levels and leaving your moods out of whack.

No matter if you struggle with any of the symptoms mentioned or not, including a daily probiotic supplement is a good idea. This ensures that you are giving your gut the best chance to balance itself and keep your immune system strong and working for you instead of against you. Take this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or with a juice or smoothie, at least an hour before any other supplements or medication (may be taken with L-glutamine to further heal and seal the gut lining).

(What’s something tangible they can do? (Like last week)

Neuroscientists have been studying the connection between the human brain and the gut for decades and have recently begun finding some exciting discoveries in human studies. Researchers at Oxford University have found that “prebiotic” supplements (literally the nourishment for the good bacteria in your gut) may have an anti-anxiety effect, as they alter the way people process emotions. The participants of this study not only experienced less anxiety when faced with negative stimuli, but also showed lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol (the stress hormone – “fight or flight”).

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Researchers in Australia at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute have begun using probiotics to help children overcome fatal peanut allergies. At the end of an 18-month study where 30 children were administered Lactobacillus rhamnosus, a bacterial strain used as a probiotic, they found that 80% of the participants were able to tolerate peanuts. Amazing!

Many food allergies may be linked to poor gut health, whereas there is insufficient good bacteria levels present. Heal the gut, heal the body.

Heavy Metals, Bisphenol A, Pesticides and Cancerous Food Preservatives

It’s one of the unfortunate side effects of advanced civilization, the age of convenience and packaged foods. Even if we are careful, toxins are going to end up in our body one way or another. They are going to seriously hurt some people, while barely being felt by others. What is the difference? A healthy gut. A system full of good bacteria will be able to detoxify these nasty substances and keep them from disrupting your health and wellbeing.

A large portion of negative symptoms in the body are due to toxin overload and a gut that is too weak to get rid of them. Every detox regimen should focus on strengthening the gut first.

Think about this… When your gut is imbalanced, such as with dysbiosis or leaky gut, you literally have holes in your gut lining. Picture it this way:

You have a window screen that is designed to keep bugs out, right? Now imagine holes in your screen. The bugs would be able to fly right in, wouldn’t they? Your gut is the same way. Holes in your “screen,” or lining, allow for “bugs” (toxins, etc.) to seep into your bloodstream and create enormous problems for your overall health, internally and over time, externally as well.

When this happens, your immune system becomes confused and begins attacking itself, thus creating Autoimmunity (literally, the attack of self). Of course, this doesn’t happen in every case, but in every case of Autoimmunity, it’s well researched that leaky gut is present, often undetected.

Check out this concept more here.

What kinds of symptoms hint to toxin overload?

– Hormone imbalance (especially with bisphenol A, which mimics estrogen in the body and disrupts the endocrine system – home to your thyroid, adrenal glands and hormones)
– Unexplained nausea
– Digestive issues
– Stomach or abdominal pain
– Nervous system dysfunction
– Asthma
– Headaches
– Foggy thinking
– Mood disorders
– … and unfortunately, that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Getting more fermented foods in your diet is a gentle and effective way to help the body combat these different toxins by supplying the gut with the needed tools. Love your body and trust it to know how to heal.

Vaccination Damage

The purpose of this article is not to take sides on whether or not you should vaccinate. We do know, however, that vaccinations can be hard on your system – even damaging the healthy bacteria in your gut – so taking and eating probiotic-rich foods and supplements is important to restore your gut health to normal after a round of vaccinations.

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The Best Sources of Probiotics


I take Biotrust Probiotics. Look here for the top-ranking probiotics on the market.


Yogurt is probably the most popular and well known fermented food in the American diet. We highly recommend non-dairy varieties for the best benefits. Coconut and almond yogurt are great options. If you are ready to take it a step further, you can even make your own. This is obviously the best option since you will control all the ingredients you put into your yogurt, as most store bought varieties are loaded with sugar and some even contain fillers.


Kefir is said to be one of the most probiotic rich foods on the planet. It is often used to help conditions like leaky gut, inflammatory bowel disease, lactose intolerance and candida. It is kind of like the superman version of yogurt… boasting three times the amount of probiotics that yogurt has. This is because it is fermented with 10-20 different types of bacteria and yeast, while yogurt uses only a handful.

Kefir contains tryptophan (say that 5 times fast…), which is the same amino acid in turkey that makes you feel sleepy and relaxed. The word “kefir” comes from a Turkish word meaning, “good feeling”. Kefir also has phosphorus, which is the second most abundant mineral in our bodies and helps us use carbohydrates and proteins for cell energy.

Sauerkraut is rich in probiotics and is an excellent way to rebuild healthy gut bacteria levels. European countries use it to treat and prevent peptic ulcers. Because it targets the gut, it can help with IBS, leaky gut syndrome, acne, skin disorders, coughs and colds, allergies, vision, heart health, digestive upset, bloatedness, acid reflux, bone strength, etc.

Chinese laborers ate sauerkraut while building the Great Wall of China over 2,000 years ago. French and Dutch seaman used it to prevent scurvy. The Polish people have a proverb that says “Where there is beet soup and sauerkraut, there is plenty.”

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4. Kimchi

Kimchi comes from Korea and is like a supercharged form of sauerkraut. It usually contains cabbage, red peppers onions, scallions, garlic and salt.

Researchers in Korea have published a review of over 130 studies that have proven the amazing healing properties of kimchi. It is used to help constipation, enhance the immune system, aid digestion of protein, prevent tooth decay, prevent obesity, and to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

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Umeboshi is basically a pickled plum. It has been a staple in the Japanese, Chinese and Korean diet for centuries. During the wars of the 15th and 16th centuries, samurai warriors used umeboshi to revive themselves from fatigue or even on the brink of death. The medicinal uses of umeboshi have been documented in Chinese medicine as far back as 3,000 years.

The citric acid in umeboshi converts lactic acid to water and helps it discharge from the body. When lactic acid builds up in the body it can cause exhaustion and fatigue. The fruit is also used to treat vomiting, general nausea, diarrhea, infection, liver toxicity, hangovers and dysentery.


In ancient China, they called Kombucha the “Immortelle Health Elixir” and used it to aid the body in overcoming degenerative diseases. It has recently become popular in the west and is being studied for its possible cancer-preventing properties. Kombucha is a sweet tea that has been fermented using good bacteria and yeast and is a powerful probiotic. It is used to help combat digestive issues, candida, provide enzymes and bacterial acids to naturally detox the body and has even shown to be helpful with joint pain. Kombucha contains glucosamine; an amino sugar that helps preserve cartilage and relieve arthritic symptoms.

Like most fermented foods Kombucha can be made from home.

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7. Water Kefir

You can make water kefir with organic sugar water, coconut water, or fresh juice, Water Kefir grains or a Kefir Starter Culture. Although the enzymes and acids in water kefir are not quite as strong as those in kombucha, water kefir does have more bacteria strains. People living in hot climates tend to enjoy water kefir since it is great for hydration and finding relief from the heat. The probiotics in water kefir are excellent in boosting the immune system and helping the body stay healthy.

For extra tips on how to make water kefir, see here.

everything you need to know about kefir gut, treat, secrets

This oil, unlike regular fish oil supplements, is cold processed through fermentation instead of heat processed. This preserves the fat soluble vitamins and Omega-3’s, which may otherwise be damaged by high temperatures. FCLO contains vitamins A and D, both of which are important for the immune system and are precursors to hormone activation and gene expression. Regularly consuming FCLO may be beneficial for helping arthritis and joint pain, bone health, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, depression, breast cancer, earaches, wound healing and healthy birth weight.

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9. Miso

Miso is a traditional Japanese paste made from soybeans, sea salt and koji. The paste is often use to make soup or to eat over rice and beans and dates back 2,500+ years. It has all the essential amino acids and is thus considered to be a complete protein, while also providing vital probiotics to the digestive tract. It is thought to protect against radiation and heavy metals because it contains dipilocolonic acid; an alkaloid that helps to remove heavy metals from the body.

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10. Natto

Another Japanese favorite! This is a low calorie, high protein fermented superfood that is considered one of the “health secrets” of the Japanese people for centuries. Natto is believed to help with longevity, beauty, mental capacity and a healthier heart. Japanese people on average live about five years longer than most Americans, so natto is a secret you might want to try!

Natto is a great source of K vitamins – very important for bone health and strength, as well as circulation and preventing blood clots.

Our Give Your Body 30 program is full of probiotic and prebiotic rich foods that not only fuel your body for optimal health, but that taste delicious and are easy to make. While some of the ingredients may be new to you, this is a great way to experiment in the kitchen and have fun with it! Get your family involved and choose your favorite – HEALTHY – recipes together.

11.Other Important Supplements for Healing the Gut

helps to repair the integrity of the gut lining – it works to “heal and seal” those little holes that have been created due to everything mentioned here and is critical for any program designed to heal leaky gut. Glutamine is an essential amino acid, which is anti-inflammatory and necessary for the growth and repair of your intestinal lining.

The MCFA’s in coconut are easier to digest than other fats, making it a better choice for those with gut issues. MCT oil is also super easy to digest by the body. These types of oils help with nutrient absorption, which is crucial when healing the gut.

This herb is a rockstar among herbs! It contains over 200 active compounds that can help you lose weight, heal your skin, detox, de-stress, alkalize your body, and stock up on amino acids, vitamins and minerals. You can use aloe vera topically and also internally.

Check out our very own video for more gold about this healing herb!

nutrient-rich bone contains collagen and the amino acids proline and glycine, which may help heal your damaged cell walls. Bone broth fasts of 3-5 days have been said to work wonders on accelerating the healing of the gut lining.

Omega 3

helps reduce inflammation, which aids in the healing process. Omega 3s aren’t made by our bodies and must be eaten. They are important for brain development and the cardiovascular system. There are even some studies that show omega-3s being a promising aid to those with bipolar and anxiety disorders.

See this page for a list of foods highest in Omega 3 fatty acids.

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Green Juice

Liquid nutrients are easier for the body to absorb and enter the bloodstream quickly. There are so many stories of people who have changed their lives through juicing! It is a fast-track to filling your hard working body with the tools it needs to heal and cleanse itself.

Don’t have time to juice? Check out our powerful green-drink powder Organifi.

What does digestion look like?

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Recommended Lab Tests Comprehensive Stool Test The #1 test that I utilize in my office is a comprehensive stool test. It’s a DNA based test using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology, so it picks up on things that most traditional testing will not.

This test looks at your good bacteria, bad bacteria, candida overgrowth, parasites, signs of inflammation, immune system markers, levels of digestive enzymes and stomach acid, and digestion and absorption of fiber and fats. Organix Dysbiosis profile This test measures the metabolites in your urine to see if you have bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine. IgG Food sensitivity testing Even though I believe that The Myers Way™ CED is the best way to determine if you have a food sensitivity, this test looks at many additional foods and can be very helpful while seeking to avoid inflammatory foods.

Zonulin test Zonulin is a protein that can break apart tight junctions in the intestinal lining leading to a leaky gut. This test measures your levels of zonulin, and thus your intestinal permeability. Colonoscopy Although I find these functional medicine lab tests to be most helpful, a colonoscopy can also be a good tool to assess the state of your intestines.

For more on gut health check out this video.

Now it’s time to announce the winner of our Juicer Giveaway who’s none other than…

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, Robin Gail!

Hope you learned something from this week’s Saturday Strategy, and remember, your health is always your wealth.

I’ll see you again next week, FitLifer… we’re in this together.

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Original article and pictures take fitlife.tv site

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