When people think to change their diets as a means to get healthy, they don’t always eliminate alcohol in the process. This is understandable, seeing as the occasional adult beverage is a way for many people to unwind after a stressful day. While it’s true that you should enjoy your life, it’s important to know that indulging yourself in alcohol can have serious effects on your gut health.
A glass of red wine can, in fact, be healthy for your heart, but for the most part alcohol is not good for your body–especially your gut. While alcohol obviously strains your liver and significantly impairs your judgement, it literally alters the environment of your gut by changing your bacteria, specifically killing off the healthy bacteria your body desperately needs. Not only this, but alcohol can also:
- Cause malabsorption, by not allowing your body to absorb the nutrients in which it needs for vitality
- Invite heartburn, due to the fact that the consumption of alcohol relaxes the sphincter which keep stomach acids from leaking out into the esophagus
- Lead to inflammation in various areas of the body
- Disrupt the digestive process by causing diarrhea or constipation
- Increase the chances of leaky gut syndrome for those who consume 2+ drinks/day
While drinking alcohol, this coincidentally causes your blood alcohol level to rise–which in turn begins to damage your gut lining. The lining becomes damaged with bad bacteria that can then leak into the blood stream, where it latches onto the immune cells in your body. With each drink, this only allows for the conditions to worsen. You should practice precaution when drinking to not put your gut health at risk. And if you truly think about it, no alcohol in general is truly “better” for you as all produce the same results inside the body. Just because something is “light” or “low calorie” doesn’t matter to your gut which doesn’t care what the difference is.
The best thing to do to remain healthy and keep your gut health intact is to avoid alcohol altogether, or to seriously limit your consumption of it. After all, working hard eating the right foods and taking your daily probiotic will just be in vain if you go and wreck your system with alcohol. Like they say, “think before you drink” and you will see a dramatic improvement in your health!
Gut Health Project recommends Perfect Biotics to ensure a healthy gut. Add this probiotic to your daily routine!
Also, add Perfect Flush as a cleanse and detox.
Original article and pictures take www.guthealthproject.com site
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