A bloated stomach is a common condition and we’ve got tips and tricks including lots of homemade remedies that work!

We have all experienced Bloating at some point in our life. You may even be experiencing these symptoms now. Certain things can swell you up and trigger this condition.
There are a number of reasons why this may be happening. You could even be allergic to certain foods and intolerant to others. Constipation and Diarrhoea, as well as gas, are by-products.

The good news is you are not alone. It’s common in all age groups with both male and female.
There are lots of things that can help you to manage your condition including smoothies and lifestyle changes. Scroll our post to the very end so that you can get all the helpful tips and tricks. Don’t forget to Pin your favorite ideas.
Above we have included a chart for Anti-Bloat Foods. This is a good place to start and ensure that you are including them in your diet. Also, check out our Belly Busting Tips and Tricks Article – If you have poor digestion this could also be causing you to bloat up. Belly Swelling can be a serious problem and Men and Women should be very aware that too much abdominal fat will have consequences to their health as they age.

The most common causes of abdominal bloating are:
- intolerance to dairy products or other food items.
- overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel.
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Keep Scrolling our Page for loads of great ideas including the amazing 2 Ingredient Toxic Flush Colon Cleanse that is at the end of our post ⇓

The above recipe from Jenna Drew uses Essential Oils. This assists with Bloating. Combine 20 drops Lemon, 20 Drops Peppermint, 20 Drops Rosemary.
Pop it in a roll on bottle and use as required.

1. Digestive Disorders
Most people dealing with various functional gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease have bloating, gas, distension and other symptoms. Some reports show that stomach bloating is experienced by 23 percent to 96 percent of people with IBS, 50 percent with functional dyspepsia and 56 percent with chronic constipation.
2. Fluid Retention (Called Edema or Ascites)
Sometimes bodily fluids can be stored around the body, including near the abdomen or pelvis area, which causes excess bloating and temporary weight gain. You might also notice jewelry and clothes becoming tighter, extra swelling, and pain around joints or tightness in the skin. This can be due to a liver disease in some cases or rarely even from cancer. Check for other signs of liver failure or hepatitis, including yellowing of the skin (jaundice), changes in the white color of your eyes or pain in the abdomen.
3. Dehydration
Ever notice the day after you’ve been eating salty foods or drinking alcohol that you become dehydrated and bloated as a result? It might seem counterintuitive, but the more water you drink (or consume in water-heavy foods) and better you stay hydrated, the less bloating you’re likely to deal with. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances both halt digestion and make it hard to “stay regular.”
When your body tries to recover from you being dehydrated, it holds on to excess water to prevent the situation from happening again — plus you might find yourself becoming constipated. This means when you do finally drink more fluids, you’re likely to store them around your midsection and feel extra puffy.
4. Constipation
This might be the most obvious reason you have a bloated stomach — you need to go to the bathroom! Constipation can cause stool to remain in the intestines, leaving you with a hard-feeling stomach, pain, discomfort and gas. The biggest reasons for constipation include eating too little fiber, not drinking enough water, being too sedentary/avoiding physical activity and stress.

5. Food Allergies or Sensitivities
Often, food allergies, sensitives or intolerances (like lactose intolerance) are common reasons for gas and bloating. The foods that cause gas include dairy products, gluten-containing foods (most bread, pasta, rolls, cereals, etc.) and certain kinds of carbohydrates called FODMAPs.
There are dozens of other possible food allergies (like shellfish, nuts, eggs), but you’re likely to know if this is what you’re reacting to since symptoms are usually more noticeable. FODMAPs can be tricky to rule out, since there are so many different kinds and everyone is unique in terms of tolerability. An elimination diet can help you pinpoint which foods might cause bloating (like apples or avocados, for example) because they’re not being properly broken down and digested.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is caused by high levels of abnormal bacteria living in the digestive tract, usually in the bowel (dysbacteriosis), where they can accumulate after taking antibiotics or due to inflammation and poor digestion. Normally, different strains of bacteria are in proper balance in the colon, which helps with absorption of essential nutrients, but when harmful bacteria invade and take over, damage of the stomach lining can occur along with numerous symptoms. Some foods are capable of causing SIBO symptoms and related sensitivities in the digestive tract, including FODMAPS in the some cases that can ferment abnormally during digestion.
7. Infection
You can become bloated and swollen if you’re dealing with an infection because this triggers inflammation levels to rise, caused by an elevated white blood cell count around the pelvic, urinary and gastrointestinal organs. Check for signs of a fever, redness and pain, and swollen lymph nodes, which usually accompany a serious infection.
8. Bowel obstruction
Sometimes a severely bloated stomach — along with constipation, nausea and vomiting — is due to a bowel obstruction, which is caused by scar tissue or a tumour. When these grow and press against the bowel, the bowels become blocked and hold in fluid and stool. You’ll likely know this is what you’re dealing with since it’s usually very painful and stops you from going to the bathroom normally.
9. Hormonal changes
PMS is known to cause a bloated stomach and digestive issues, since it makes you prone to constipation and fluid retention. This is common and not too much of a concern unless you notice other serious symptoms like an irregular menstrual cycle, fibroids or severe cramping. Having a bloated stomach before or during your period can differ depending on your cycle, and some women experience severe water retention for up to two weeks.
Why do women experience bloating before, during and after their menstrual cycles? During the early days of a women’s cycle, sometimes called the follicular stage, estrogen levels rise while the uterine lining thickens, plus bloating can also become stronger as ovulation occurs and more fluids and blood build up. Normally when when a woman has her period, she experiences shedding of the excess fluid, tissue and blood, which usually results in the bloating going away.
10. Cancer
While it’s not the cause of most people’s bloating, one sign of cancer in the colon or uterine is bloating. This is why it’s important to talk to a doctor if you’ve tried all other ways of reducing bloating and digestive issues but still can’t seem to pinpoint what’s causing your symptoms. – Source

According to Healthline, In many cases, the symptoms of abdominal bloating can be diminished or even prevented by adopting a few simple lifestyle changes. For example:
- Don’t chew gum. Chewing gum can cause you to swallow extra air, which in turn can lead to bloating.
- Avoid “gassy” foods, such vegetables in the cabbage family, dried beans, and lentils.
- Lose weight if you’re overweight.
- Use lactose-free dairy products (if you are lactose intolerant).
Consult your doctor if bloating is accompanied by any of the following:
- blood in the stools or dark, tarry looking stools

One of the best ways to get the situation under control is Smoothies. We have found some great recipes that are targeted specifically to reducing Bloating. You should definitely try the Dr Oz Bloat Busting Banana Smoothie. Another very popular way to iron out your tummy is to drink the Fat Flush Water that is used on The Biggest Loser.
You can find the recipe —> here

When there is no medical cause behind the bloating, some simple tips can relieve the problem or even stop it occurring in the first place. Here’s what our experts suggest can offer relief.
- Maintain a regular diet with moderate amounts of healthy foods. “A consistent pattern of eating can reduce people’s experiences of bloating,” says Dr Watson.
- Try yoga. Certain poses, such as the cobra or hero, can help with digestion and improve bloating.
- Cut out or at least cut back on your alcohol intake. “Alcohol is a real gut irritant,” says Dr Watson. And don’t replace your champagne with fizzy water; bubbles cause troubles, so stick to still water.
- Switch your fibers. “Fibre is important,” says Professor Bolin. “However, it’s a matter of finding a balance between eating enough fiber to avoid constipation and limit bloating. Try rye or spelt bread rather than white bread and avoid gas-producing foods such as beans.”
- Stress less. Take time to chill out and sort out what’s causing you stress – it can disrupt the muscular contractions that move gas through your stomach.
- Forgo fat and caffeine. “Fat and caffeine are the two biggest triggers for bloating,” explains Professor Bolin. “So if you’re experiencing bloating regularly you should modify your diet.”
- Try a herbal remedy for bloating such as Iberogast. “This is a mixture of nine different herbs that has been scientifically trialed,” says Professor Bolin.
- Go for a walk or a run. Even though you’ll feel like lying on the couch, simple exercise can help move the gasses through your system and ease the pain.
- Limit the sugar in your diet, especially from fruits and fruit juices. They form more gas when they ferment and cause bloating.
- Use a ball. Rubbing a ball over your abdomen can help the gas move through the small intestine, says Professor Bolin. “Use any soft ball, such as a squash ball, and roll it around your stomach to help the gasses move.” – Source
If you are wanting to beat the bloat, the infographic above shows that you need good bacteria. Here’s a great list of fiber rich foods that will help you flatten your tummy in no time – As you can see from the above infographic they are recommending Whole Grains such as Oatmeal, Barley, Flaxseeds, Wheat. We actually have an article that shows you how to make your own Breakfast Packs – you can grab the recipes here

Celery is full of Potassium and Sodium and helps you reduce excess fluids so you feel less bloated! It’s also full of fiber so you won’t be tempted into nibbling between meals. This Celery Shot Recipe from ‘Driven2Divide‘ has a gentle diuretic effect which quickly normalizes fluids without leaving you dehydrated.
Celery Shot Smoothie Recipe
1 Cup of Spinach
1 Small Apple
1 Stalk of Celery
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 Cup of Berries
1/2 Cup of Water
Place all ingredients in your blender and blitz until smooth. It tastes good and will help to break the sugar cycle!

One of the great benefits of juicing is that it’s easy to digest and so your body absorbs so many more nutrients faster. It’s also a brilliant way to assist your liver to detox – you can find a great article here

Did you know that even healthy foods can cause some bloating? Even broccoli and lentils! This Anti Bloat Smoothie is jam packed with goodies that fight bloating – Cucumber, Bananas, Coconut Water and Apple Cider Vinegar –
Total time: 5 mins
- 1 large cucumber, sliced
- 1 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced

(Fat Burning Foods Infographic Source)

The Blogger dropped 2 inches from her waist with this Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon & Cayenne amazing Anti Bloat Drink and it even tastes good!
ingredients you’ll need:
- half tsp Cayenne (depending on how much heat you can handle)
- 32 oz. warm water
① Simply add the lemon juice and the spices to 32 oz warm water and give it a good stir to mix thoroughly.
② If you have zero tolerance for the sharp flavor or spiciness of the mixture, you can add some maple syrup or Stevia to make the taste less intense.
③ The ingredients settle on the bottom so, give it a good stir/shake before drinking. Consume the mixture the whole day not in one shot.
④ The 32 oz of water is equivalent to 4 glasses.

Original article and pictures take thewhoot.com.au site
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