Did you catch my Facebook Live where I ate 10-year old RAW cabbage….and lived to tell about it? We talked about the importance of fermented and cultured foods…and getting over the fear of both making and eating them! Make sure to check it out here!
What Are Water Kefir Grains, and How Do You Use Them?
Making water kefir is one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to get tons of live priobiotics to your gut. Water kefir “grains” are actually little cultures of good bacteria that eat prebiotic sugars, creating live probiotics and enzymes that are essential for gut health. (You use them over and over, generally you don’t have to buy more–but I keep giving them away, so I bought a new package, and wow are these good.)
The directions on water kefir tell you to make a sugar water solution, add the grains, and then let it sit for a few days while the fermentation process supposedly eats up all the sugar, leaving you with the resulting probiotics and enzymes.
That’s the marketing premise behind store-bought kombucha, by the way–but if the probiotic organisms consume all the sugars, why does it taste so sweet?
Why You DON’T Need Sugar To Make Water Kefir
I don’t EVER use sugar to make my water kefir grow, despite what the directions say. First, I use the BEST SOURCE for grains, and second, I use organic coconut water. The coconut water provides natural prebiotic “sugars” to feed the culture.

Need proof? Check this out!
In about a week, these kefir grains formed a MOTHER on top. I’ve never seen any store-bought grains do this. (They’ll still ferment stuff even without a mother, but this is so cool!)
The mother, called in some applications, a “scoby,” is a colony of live probiotic organisms that forms into a mass, actively making more kefir grain babies and clear evidence that culturing is going well.
I pour a new box of organic coconut liquid into the jar, and a day later, I pour the liquid OUT into my blender to make me and my son a Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie, leaving the grains and this beautiful jelly-fish-looking large, flat “mother” (almost as big as the diameter of the jar) in. Then I add another box of coconut liquid for the next day.
The coconut liquid is so fermented, in just one day, that it’s fizzy like soda and wonderfully tart when I pour it out! Best grains ever!
Here’s the Amazon link again, if you want to get some.
And if you don’t know WHY you want to culture foods to rehabilitate your gut health…you really need to join us for my FREE VIDEO MASTERCLASS going on right now.
What foods fight inflammation, and which cause it. Foods that rehab your gut. How to beat your food addictions, fast. How to make 12 simple shifts in a year, for the healthiest year of your life. My 5 best tips to eat super healthy, super cheap!

Original article and pictures take greensmoothiegirl.com site
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