пятница, 14 октября 2016 г.

The Ultimate List of Tools & Resources For Healing Your Gut

The Ultimate List of Tools & Resources For Healing Your Gut

When I first came to the realization that my gut health was a major issue and a trigger for my Hashimoto’s disease, I got a nice little protocol from my doctor with some supplements and instructions on what to do to start the healing process, and to maintain my gut health long term. I walked out of the office with my little plastic bag filled with supplements and folders with instructions and felt like I was loaded up with everything I needed. And initially, I was. Everything in that plastic bag was more than enough to get me kick started and begin to feel good… for about two weeks. Then I had questions that I needed books to answer, ran out of recipe ideas, and needed more holistic support to manage my gut health long term. I needed a bigger arsenal of tools and resources to keep me on the healthy gut path! Basically, I wanted a gut healing tool kit.

Everybody is different. Everyone’s gut healing protocol will be different, and everyone’s journey to maintain their gut health is different depending on the landscape of their gut, their autoimmune state, and a myriad of other factors. However, there’s are general tools and resources that most folks can benefit from for a healthy gut lifestyle, but you’re doctors aren’t necessarily telling you about all of them. Which is why I wrote The Ultimate List of Tools & Resources For Healing Your Gut and Maintaining Your Gut Health!

One thing I’ll say about this list… it’s not an all at once type thing. There are a lot of things here, and you can easily add them on at your own pace. It doesn’t have to be overwhelmingly done all at once. Pace yourself, and take it slow.

The Ultimate List of Tools & Resources For Healing Your Gut

The Ultimate List of Tools & Resources For Healing Your Gut

1.A holistic doctor and/or medical team

Whether you’re dealing with IBS, Hashimoto’s, or just some stomach cramping, the best way to address it is to work on finding what the root cause of your issues are. We can mask and treat specific symptoms all we want, but if the root cause is still bubbling in the deepest depths of your belly, more issues will continue to arise over time.

Root causes are complicated. It’s not always as straightforward as saying your issue is gluten. They can be an intricate web of various different causes that are hard to nail down. That’s why working with a doctor or health team to find the root cause is so important!

To learn more about finding the right doctor or building a team, check out this blog post.

2. Digestive aids

The exact digestive aids you need vary from person to person, but one thing that never changes is how important digestion really is. You just can’t heal your gut if your digestion isn’t working properly.

Here is a short list of digestive aids that you may want to ask your doctor about:

Stomach acid support

Digestive Enzymes

Bile support

  • Ox bile

3. Gut health supplements

Again, this list varies from person to person and the exact order you take them in needs to be facilitated by a doctor, but here are some noteworthy supplements.

4. Good quality food & recipes

Just cutting out offending foods isn’t enough. We need to be eating good quality food to ensure the maximum amount of nutrients! Here’s what you’ll need…

  • Local, organic vegetables (read this post for more information on finding it near you)
  • Grass-fed and pasture raised meats (I recommend US Wellness meats)
  • Wild caught fish

As for recipes, here are some of my favorite gut healing recipes…

5. Probiotic foods

If you have an overgrowth like SIBO, candida, or a histamine intolerance, you may have to do some healing before eating probiotic foods. For everyone else, probiotic rich foods are an incredible way to reinoculate the gut with good bacteria, and arguably better than probiotic supplements. Probiotic foods can be eaten in small amounts daily, and have a powerful impact.

I love, love, love sauerkraut, and probiotic drinks like beet kvass and kefir. I also love recommended coconut yogurt. One of my favorite brands is Coyo, and I’m also looking forward to trying the coconut cult. You can easily make your own, but I like having a short cut when I can take one!

6. Gut loving pantry staples

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (necessary for making bone broth, and great for stimulating stomach acid)
  • Ginger, dandelion and peppermint tea
  • Quality spices (turmeric, dried herbs, etc.)
  • Ghee (if tolerated)

Find other great staples through Thrive Market! Plus, if you use that link, you get 15% off your first order

7. An instant pot and/or slow cooker, and high speed blender

These 3 tools in particular have changed my culinary life! I don’t know what I’d do without them, and I use them multiple times a week. Here are my go-to recipes and what I use them for…

Instant Pot (can replace the slow cooker, but I still like having both going simultaneously)

  • Smoothies (like this)
  • Pureed soups (like this)

8. Great cookbooks

When you’re learning to cook healing foods without grains, dairy, and more, it can be hard to get started and to be creative. Here are some no-fail books that I’m always reaching for…

9. Gut health focused books

There is so much to learn when it comes to gut health, but empowering yourself to learn the basics and stay informed is huge for tackling a journey like this! Here are a few of my favorite books…

I value gut health so much that I wrote my own popular e-book!

The 30 Day Gut Healing Diet Plan & Guide is a gut healing meal plan, guide

and cookbook that focuses on teaching you how to build gut healing meals, guides you through 30 days of meal plans, and is full of gut healing recipes like soups, smoothies, gummies, and more. This book has touched hundreds and hundreds of people, and provides tons of support.

10. Castor oil pack supplies

Castor oil packs are one of my favorite gut healing tools to use, and recommend to my own clients. They increase blood and bile flow which helps stimulate detoxification and digestion. They’re especially helpful for those of us with liver/gallbladder issues.

Here’s what you’ll need…

Find instructions on how to do it, here!

11. Social support

Following an alternative health lifestyle can be lonely in a world of pizza, beer and goldfish crackers. Trust me, I know.

Having strong social support from family, friends, and liked minded people can help get you through the hard days, and give you more ideas on how to strengthen your journey.

As for online support, I created a facebook group, Gut Healing Support and also have a group for my podcast, Unbound Healing Community, and recommend the AIP Support group!

12. Go-to relaxation methods

Healing cannot take place in a stressed state. It just can’t. Excess cortisol damages the gut lining, and stress can inhibit stomach acid production which impairs digestion, and blocks mineral absorption of crucial minerals like Zinc. We need to be in a relaxed state to digest, and to heal.

If you’re dealing with something more serious like adrenal dysregulation, work on that with your doctor. However, lots can be done for smaller relaxation methods to help manage stress.

Here’s a short list of my favorite relaxation methods to recommend

  • Short walks outside
  • Yoga class
  • Guided meditation
  • Devotionals (I use the Bible App on my phone for new devotionals)
  • Gratitude journaling
  • Hobbies like sewing, reading, cooking, etc.
  • Tea with friends
  • Walking around Target (come on, you know you love it)

As is the theme of this post, not all relaxation methods are actually relaxing for everyone. Some people swear by these and others hate them. My most general advice is that relaxation needs to incorporate regularly! I’m talking 10-15 minutes a day.

13. Blogs, podcast, and other media

Here are some of my favorite blogs to recommend…

And podcasts…

I hope this list helps you build your gut healing tool kit! Enjoy, and happy healing <3

Original article and pictures take unboundwellness.com site

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